Vistra wants to extend Comanche Peak nuclear license for another 20 years

Vistra announced it will seek to extend the life of Luminant’s Comanche Peak nuclear plant through 2053, an additional 20 years beyond its original licenses.

Vistra wants to extend Comanche Peak nuclear license for another 20 years
(Source: Vistra.)

Vistra announced it will seek to extend the life of Luminant’s Comanche Peak nuclear plant through 2053, an additional 20 years beyond its original licenses.

Specifically, the company is applying to renew the licenses of Units 1 and 2 through 2050 and 2053, respectively. The current licenses for Units 1 and 2 extend through 2030 and 2033, respectively.

Vistra officially submitted its application for license renewal with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

The two-unit nuclear plant, located in Somerville County, Texas, has a capacity of 2,400 MW. Construction of the two Westinghouse pressurized water reactors began in 1974. The plant began operating in 1990.

In June 2008 the NRC approved a request to increase the generating capacity of Units 1 and 2 by approximately 4.5% each. Luminant implemented the changes during refueling outages. 

Vistra expects to have at least 7,300 MW of zero-carbon generation online by 2026 across Texas, California, and Illinois. The company’s goal is a 60% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030, compared to a 2010 baseline. Vistra said the company has already achieved more than 72% of that target.