Report: Dynegy-Vistra Could Retire Eight Coal Plants by 2025 Without Affecting Reliability

The eight plants studied by the report have a combined capacity of 5,862 MW.

By Editors of Power Engineering

A new report by Vibrant Clean Energy, the National Resources Defense Council and the Sierra Club concluded all of coal plants operated by the newly-merged Vistra and Dynegy in southern Illinois could retire by 2025 with no adverse impact to the electricity grid.

The eight plants studied by the report — Baldwin Energy Station, Coffeen Power Station, Duck Creek Station, E. D. Edwards Generation Plant, Havana Power Station, Hennepin Power Station, Joppa Steam Plant, and Newton Power Station — have a combined capacity of 5,862 MW.

The report examined two scenarios, one with regionally-aligned fixed costs and low variable costs, and one with low fixed costs and regionally-aligned variable costs. Both scenarios resulted in Midcontinent Independent System Operator’s Zone 4 maintaining excess generating capacity through 2030 due to the continued development of wind, solar, gas and energy storage, and flat electricity demand growth.

The shutdowns would also lower customer electricity bills by two to four percent, as other forms of electricity are more efficient, the report claimed.

Vistra and Dynegy completed their merger in April.