O&M May 13 webcast featuring leaders from ComEd, Entergy, & Grant County PUD discussing how they keep employees safe (and get work done) during COVID-19 Rod Walton 5.6.2020 Share Aside from nurses, doctors and researchers, few companies are more truly essential than power utilities during this era of COVID-19. The world is changed, but the world still wants and needs its power on. Clarity and confidence in the future may be what we all need most. An upcoming webcast will have a roster of top-level utility leadership discussing the changes they are making in both protecting employees and providing the services needed and demanded by customers. Paul Hinnenkamp This 11 a.m. ET Wednesday, May 13 webcast will feature Commonwealth Edison President and Chief Operating Officer Terry Donnelly, Entergy Corp. Chief Operating Officer Paul Hinnenkamp, and Derin M. Bluhm, Chief Technology Officer for the Grant County Public Utility District in Washington state. “Managing your Workforce during a Pandemic” will focus on all facets of the coronavirus challenges facing the utilities. Whether it’s a large or small service territory, whether it’s the generation or transmission & distribution side, utility workers are out on their own version of the front lines. Terry Donnelly This webcast will look at the challenges from the operational standpoint of the utility leaders. How do they protect employees who need to get access to equipment, work in a control room, ride together to jobs while trying to maintain distance? These three top utility leaders will provide answers to these questions and many more on May 13. Click here to register for the free webcast. Derin Blumh Sponsors of “Managing your Workforce during a Pandemic” include Beekeeper, Clevest, Travelers Alliance Group and Arcos. Rod Walton, content director of Power Engineering and conference advisory chair for POWERGEN International, will be moderator for this webcast. Related Articles Coal plant’s AI drives down emissions, boosts efficiency Mitigating corrosion in steam turbine engines with engineered compression Trends in plant O&M with EthosEnergy’s Terry Schoenborn The 2024 Electric Utility Chemistry Workshop: Providing valuable information for many industries