Alabama Power’s Plant Barry Unit 8 now online

The combined-cycle unit can generate up to 727 MW.

Alabama Power’s Plant Barry Unit 8 now online
Alabama Power’s Plant Barry Unit 8 (Credit: Alabama Power)

Alabama Power’s Plant Barry Unit 8 is now operating and delivering electricity across the state.

Barry 8 officially began operating Nov. 1, following final testing. The combined-cycle unit features Mitsubishi Power equipment and can generate up to 727 MW.

Construction of Barry 8 started in 2021 following approval by state regulators. Alabama Power said construction teams devoted more than two million work hours to Barry 8.

Combined with the other generating units at the site, Plant Barry’s total generating capacity is now 3,246 MW, making it the largest plant in Alabama Power’s system.

Plant Barry was at the center of a recent waiver from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) giving Southern Company the ability to perform drone inspections at the utility’s power plants and other facilities without the need for someone onsite.

For a year, Southern Co. used Plant Barry in Alabama as the test site to capture data and prove to the FAA this technology could be used safely. The utility called the latest development a “huge step” in advancing autonomous and remote operations at scale.